Thursday, 14 June 2012

Lets Begin.

A little glimpse of me...

I am currently studying English Literature in the pursuit of a career in the magazine industry (in particular fashion) and thought there's no better way to get my writing out there than with my own blog :).

So Why fashion?

Dianna Vreeland was quoted saying, 'fashion must be the intoxicating release from the banality of the world' and I believe no truer words have been said. There is so much in life which is confined by rules and regulations; as a result we no longer live to the rhythm of the world, but the rhythm of the machine. Fashion however, is all about play- there are no rules. It is purely dependent on the individual. The expression of inner creativity is what makes it so exciting and captivating. It creates beauty from the smallest of things; and constantly evolves which in-turn challenges our preconception of what beauty is.
Fashion is inescapable. Not everyone enjoys reading and those who don't may not even touch a book as long as they live- books become superfluous to their life. Yet fashion is an integral part of all our lives. We communicate to one another through fashion- whether its to do with our religion, culture or status we define our identity through our physical appearance. Even those who purposely choose to 'opt out' fashion/identity, automatically fall into another category- to 'opt out'.
Ultimately I feel although fashion in it's most simple form deals with the surface; it actually does so much more. 

And without it the world is blank.

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